Mitsubishi Electronics - LX42C4

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MITSUBISHI WW ELECTRIC Mitsubishi Programmable Controller MELSEC L I O Module User s Manual LX10 LX28 LX40C6 LX41C4 LX42C4 LY10R2 LY18R2A LY20S6 LY40NT5P LY28S1A LY41NT1P LY42NT1P LY40PT5P LY41PT1P LY42PT1P LH42C4NT1P LH42C4PT1P SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read these precautions before using this product Before using this product please read this manual and the relevant manuals carefully and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly The precautions given in this manual are concerned with this product only For the safety precautions of the programmable controller system refer to the user s manual for the CPU module used In this manual the safety precautions are classified into t ...